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Email marketing is one of those things you know you should do as a small business owner but often gets shoved aside. After all, what is email marketing exactly? How does it work? And why is email marketing important for small businesses?

You’re in the right place. Below, we’ll break down the top benefits of email marketing for small businesses, what it means, and even some solutions you can try. 

No matter what your current experience level or understanding is, you can turn email marketing into your secret weapon. And it’s easier than you think—promise.

What is Email Marketing?

Before we talk about the benefits, let’s clear the air. What is email marketing in the first place? 

Email marketing is a way to promote your business while building relationships with your potential and current customers. Using email, you can stay top of mind with your audience, engage with them regularly, and generate revenue. 

Email marketing includes a wide variety of email outreach including:

  • Educational email newsletters that add value to your audience
  • Promotional messages that offer special deals or discounts
  • Answers to common customer questions 
  • Updates about your business
  • And more

Here’s a simple way to think about it. 

Sending an email to a list of existing or new customers is like fishing in a well-stocked pond. You know who sees it and that they’re qualified. Compare it to social media: You don’t control who sees your post and you’re not sure if the folks seeing it have ever or will ever be customers. It’s like fishing in a roaring river. 

Which would you prefer? Both are important. But if you want to engage with a well-qualified audience (i.e., a well-stocked pond), you want to invest in email marketing.
